DAY 7:
Three hours of obstetric care training for a midwife in Eritrea

Many newborns Many newborns

in a country with few midwifes

Each year more than 9,000 babies enter the world in the maternity hospital in Asmara (capital of Eritrea), opened in 2005. There are up to 30 births a day - an unimaginable number even for a large hospital in Germany. This represents a major challenge to the local staff, all the more important is a good education for the local midwives.



Improved training for midwives



Offer training for midwives

Countable effort


Number of women participating in the training



Maternal and newborn mortality is reduced

Systemic effect


Improved medical infrastructure for the children in Eritrea. The training of midwives is taken over by Eritrean midwives


A child’s health begins in the womb. The risk for mother and child decreases when woman visit doctors or midwifes regularly during pregnancy and give birth under medical supervision. However, there are still many children who have to die or suffer their entire lives, because they do not receive timely or adequate medical care. The infant mortality rate in Eritrea is 17 times higher than in Germany, each 14th child does not grow older than 5 years (WHO , May 2013). There is not only a lack of medical equipment and supplies, but also of qualified personnel. Across the country with more than 6 million people, there are only 300 doctors ( A midwife earns the equivalent of only 50 euros per month, which is why many pursue a second job and clinics are often understaffed. Neither the medical staff nor the Eritrean government invest in education or training for midwives and nurses.
The reason is that Eritrea is one of Africa’s poorest countries. About 80 percent of the population lives of subsistance framing and there is no significant industry (Source: CIA World Factbook). Although the Eritrean government is making great efforts to improve the medical care of the population, the consequences of the decades-long war with neighboring Ethiopia are still noticeable.

The good deed

The maternity hospital in Asmara was opened in 2005. The clinic plays a central role in ensuring that the infant mortality rate in Asmara has almost halved within a few years. This is thanks to the volunteer medical teams from Germany, who provided not only practical, medical help right from the start, but especially focused on the training of local staff.


A major challenge will be to reduce infant and maternal mortality in Eritrea. In addition to the relief supplies HAMMER FORUM is therefore still concentrating on the training of local staff.

Asmara, Eritrea





6,333,000 (2013)

6,333,000 (2013)

Number of inhabitants



Gross domestic product per capita per year



Human Development Index

Plastic bags are banned in Eritrea.

About the organization and further information



DZI seal of approval, Venro Code of Conduct

Further information and source